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8 Ways to Improve Your Cash Flow: Key Strategies and Techniques for Business Cash Flow Optimisation 

8 Ways to Improve Your Cash Flow: Key Strategies and Techniques for Business Cash Flow Optimisation 

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Without consistent and reliable cash inflow, even the most successful businesses can find themselves in financial distress. That’s why business cash flow optimisation should be a top priority for every company. By putting a few essential practices in place, you can ensure that your business maintains a healthy cashflow, enabling you to meet obligations, reinvest in growth, and weather any economic storm. 

Here’s a breakdown of some crucial cash flow optimisation techniques to keep your operations running smoothly. 

1. Invoicing Correctly: The Foundation of Cash flow 

The first step in managing cash flow starts with invoicing. Incorrect or delayed invoices can lead to confusion, payment delays, and unnecessary disputes. Therefore, it’s essential to invoice accurately, consistently, and promptly. This is one of the key cash flow optimisation techniques in business. 

What to focus on when invoicing: 

  • Clear and accurate details: Include the correct amount, due date, payment terms, and your business’s contact information. 
  • Itemised descriptions: Break down what the client is paying for to avoid misunderstandings. 
  • Professional format: Use clear, professional templates, so clients understand the terms from the moment they see the invoice. 

Investing in invoicing software can simplify this process, ensuring that invoices are sent on time and tracked effectively. 

2. Credit Terms: Define Expectations and Prevent Disputes 

Setting clear credit terms is a fundamental part of managing cashflow. Credit terms outline the period in which your client must pay after receiving an invoice (e.g., Net 30, Net 60), and they should be clearly defined in your contracts and on each invoice. 

Key considerations for credit terms: 

  • Align terms with industry standards: If your terms are too long, it could lead to delayed payments. If they’re too short, clients may be unwilling to do business with you. 
  • Provide early payment incentives: Offering discounts for early payment can encourage clients to pay faster, improving your cashflow. 
  • Negotiate terms carefully: Make sure your credit terms align with your business needs and avoid overly generous terms unless justified. 

Setting the right expectations around payment will help ensure smoother transactions and avoid unnecessary delays. 

3. Invoice Financing: A Lifeline for Cashflow Crunches 

Sometimes, no matter how efficient your invoicing and reminders are, payments can be delayed or fall through. This is where invoice finance can be a game-changer. Invoice financing allows you to borrow money against outstanding invoices, giving you immediate access to cash while waiting for clients to pay. 

How it works: 

  • You sell your invoices to a lender at a discounted rate. 
  • The lender advances you a percentage of the invoice value, usually between 80-90%. 
  • When your customer pays the invoice, the lender receives the payment, minus a small fee. 

This strategy helps smooth out cashflow gaps and enables you to continue operations without waiting on customer payments. 

4. Credit Insurance: Protecting Against the Risk of Non-Payment 

One of the biggest threats to cashflow is the risk of non-payment, especially in the event of customer insolvency or liquidation. Credit insurance protects your business against these risks by covering the cost of unpaid invoices due to a client going out of business or failing to pay. 

Benefits of credit insurance: 

  • Risk mitigation: You’re financially protected if your customers default. 
  • Improved cashflow management: Knowing that you’re insured against bad debts can provide peace of mind. 
  • Creditworthiness insights: Insurance providers often give you insights into your clients’ credit ratings, helping you assess the financial stability of your customers before extending credit. 

This financial protection can be especially valuable when dealing with larger clients or when working in sectors with unpredictable cashflows. 

5. Automated Chase Reminders: Stay on Top of Payments 

Even when your invoicing is accurate, clients sometimes forget or delay payments. Automated chase reminders can help you stay on top of overdue invoices without having to send individual emails manually. By setting up a series of polite but firm reminders, you can reduce the risk of cashflow issues due to delayed payments. 

Automated reminders can be configured to: 

  • Send reminders a few days before the due date. 
  • Follow up once the invoice is overdue. 
  • Continue chasing at regular intervals, escalating the tone as necessary. 

The key is to be consistent and professional in your reminders, ensuring that you don’t alienate clients but still maintain pressure on them to settle their debts promptly. Find out more about automating your reminders here.  

6. Cash flow Tools and Forecasting: Stay Ahead of Potential Shortfalls 

Optimising cash flow is not just about dealing with immediate payment issues; it’s about planning ahead. Effective cash flow forecasting tools are invaluable in predicting when you’ll have surplus cash or when a shortfall might occur. These tools help you plan better, ensuring you have enough cash to meet obligations, pay suppliers, and invest in growth opportunities. 

Cash flow forecasting tools typically help you: 

  • Track income and expenses over time. 
  • Predict periods of cashflow gaps and surplus. 
  • Identify trends and seasonal fluctuations in your business. 
  • Help in decision-making related to expansion, staffing, and purchasing. 

By consistently reviewing your cashflow and adjusting forecasts accordingly, you can prevent financial surprises and stay in control of your business finances. 

7. Monthly Cash flow Reviews: Keep Your Finger on the Pulse 

Monthly cash flow reviews are crucial for staying on top of your financial health. A review process will allow you to assess how well your cashflow management strategies are working and make adjustments as necessary. 

What to review in your monthly cashflow review: 

  • Accounts receivable: Are there any overdue invoices that need chasing? Are there any clients who pose a higher risk of defaulting? 
  • Expenses: Are your business costs in line with expectations? Are there any areas where you could reduce outgoings? 
  • Trends: Look for patterns in cashflow, such as seasonal variations, and adjust your forecasting models accordingly. 

Having a monthly cash flow review process in place means you can proactively address problems before they snowball into bigger issues. 

8. The Power of Professional Debt Recovery 

Lastly, when internal collection efforts prove unsuccessful, businesses may turn to professional debt recovery services to assist with the recovery process. Partnering with reputable debt recovery agencies, such as Darcey Quigley & Co, can provide businesses with the expertise and resources needed to navigate complex debt negotiations and recover outstanding debts efficiently.  

Why Choose Darcey Quigley & Co? 

  • Have interest, compensation and reasonable costs taken care of and collected for you. 
  • Significantly reduce debtor days. 
  • Support and live updates on your case from our friendly team. 
  • Your case actioned within just 1 hour. 
  • No win, no fee – You’ll only pay a percentage of your total debt as a fee when we recover your debt. 
  • 93% success rate collecting commercial debt. 

Final Thoughts 

Business cash flow optimisation is a dynamic and ongoing process that requires attention, strategy, and consistency.  

Taking the steps outlined in this article will not only help you survive but thrive in an increasingly competitive business landscape. 

If internal collection efforts have proven unsuccessful, speak to a member of our team or use our free calculator to find out how much it will cost you to recover your unpaid invoices as well as see how much late payment interest and compensation you can claim from your clients. 

Lynne is the Founder and CEO of Darcey Quigley & Co.

She is passionate and determined to help businesses get overdue invoices paid quickly.

Having worked within the credit management industry for over 27 years and ran UK leading commercial debt recovery specialists Darcey Quigley & Co for over 17 years, Lynne has helped businesses recover commercial debts from every continent across the globe.

Connect with me on LinkedIn!

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