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Navigating the Storm: Understanding the Insolvency of ISG Limited in the Construction Sector

Navigating the Storm: Understanding the Insolvency of ISG Limited in the Construction Sector

The construction sector is no stranger to the complexities and challenges of financial instability, with insolvencies being a recurring issue within the industry and notably this morning’s announcement that large construction firm ISG Limited will be going into administration. The highly competitive nature of the construction sector, coupled with factors such as payment delays, supply chain disruptions, and fluctuating market conditions, can create a perfect storm that leads to insolvency for many construction businesses.

The collapse of the firm ISG Limited and it’s 6 subsidiaries, is expected to be the biggest casualty in the sector since Carillion collapsed in 2018, according to Sky News.  The business employs around 2400 people and has been involved in multiple billion-pound deals with the government including tenders with the Ministry of Justice and Department of Education (Construction News).  The news comes after months of reports of difficulty and most recently the failure to sell the business to new owners has led to its demise.  The knock-on effect of a massive construction firm shutting its doors is massive for its subcontractors and suppliers who now face huge debts according to the Construction Enquirer.  For the past six months, unpaid invoices have been mounting up, subcontractors are claiming, with delays on projects a real issue too.

One of the primary reasons for insolvencies in the construction sector is cash flow problems.  CEO of ISG Limited stated that the group’s trading and cash performance were impacted by legacy issues from previous contract losses.  These losses have clearly severely impacted the businesses liquidity and has led to insolvency.

Additionally, the cyclical nature of the construction industry can also contribute to insolvencies. Economic downturns, like the current climate make the threat of insolvency even higher.  For example, the construction sector accounted for 17% of all company insolvencies in August 2024 (Creditsafe).  This substantial figure really makes clear the ongoing challenges within the industry and the external economic pressures that have been continuing to impact financial stability.   Companies that fail to adapt to these changing market conditions or diversify their revenue streams may find themselves struggling to stay afloat.

Supply chain issues are another common cause of insolvencies in the construction sector. Disruptions in the supply chain, can have a ripple effect on project timelines and costs.  Subcontractors and suppliers of ISG Limited will likely be feeling this ripple effect and therefore are also vulnerable to insolvency.  It is imperative, that businesses take action now, to avoid being part of these statistics in the future. 

If you have been affected by the closure of ISG Limited, or are looking to protect your business from any unpaid invoices, schedule a call with one of our friendly commercial debt specialists here or phone 01698 821 468.

Lynne is the Founder and CEO of Darcey Quigley & Co.

She is passionate and determined to help businesses get overdue invoices paid quickly.

Having worked within the credit management industry for over 27 years and ran UK leading commercial debt recovery specialists Darcey Quigley & Co for over 17 years, Lynne has helped businesses recover commercial debts from every continent across the globe.

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