Commercial Debt Recovery Specialists | Darcey Quigley & Co

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1 Year Old $60k Debt Paid in 1 Day!

1 Year Old $60k Debt Paid in 1 Day!

Days Overdue: 386

Amount Due: $60,000

Time to recover: 1 Day

Darcey Quigley & Co are no stranger to working with companies all over the world, so when a Scottish business found itself grappling with a long-overdue $60k debt in Florida, they turned to our team for assistance.

Commercial debt recovery can be a long and complex process for businesses, especially when dealing with customers overseas.  Time differences and distance can often affect the ability to make contact.  Our team, however, have recovered debts from 28 countries in the last 4 weeks alone, so we know exactly how to approach international debtors!

Our client had exhausted their internal efforts to recover the outstanding debt and were unable to make contact for over 2 weeks, so enlisted the help of Darcey Quigley.  The $60k debt had been outstanding for over a year, with only occasional payments made, and when contact had previously been made, the debtor gave no reason for not paying the full amount.

Our team actioned this debt within 1 hour, and using multiple channels of communication to ensure we cannot be ignored including LinkedIn, WhatsApp, email and telephone.  The “power of outsourcing” also comes into play when enlisting the help of a third-party debt collector – it’s often the nudge that companies need to finally make payment! In this case, the ferocity and persistence from our team clearly made this debtor realise that avoiding payment was not an option anymore.  Within 1 day, the business based in Florida made the payment of their outstanding invoice. This shows the effectiveness of our international strategy and expertise in recovering debts all over the world.  Our client was ecstatic with the outcome!

If you have outstanding international invoices please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team of commercial debt experts today on 01698 821 468 or schedule a call for a time that suits you.

Lynne is the Founder and CEO of Darcey Quigley & Co.

She is passionate and determined to help businesses get overdue invoices paid quickly.

Having worked within the credit management industry for over 27 years and ran UK leading commercial debt recovery specialists Darcey Quigley & Co for over 17 years, Lynne has helped businesses recover commercial debts from every continent across the globe.

Connect with me on LinkedIn!

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